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The Spartan Accelerator and Incubator program. Not just developing businesses; but developing entrepreneurs.

Spartan Incubator

Unleashing your entrepreneurial potential begins with the Spartan Incubator program at the Lowth Entrepreneurship Center, University of Tampa. This innovative program is dedicated to cultivating business ideas from recent graduates and early-stage community businesses. By providing a dynamic live lab environment, we support founders through every step of their entrepreneurial journey. Our unique approach prioritizes not only business growth but also the personal development of the founders. Through expert guidance from UT faculty, tailored coaching and connections with a top-ranked entrepreneurship program, we empower participants to refine their ideas, sharpen their pitches and transform their dreams into thriving businesses.

Benefits of the Spartan Incubator program:

  • Leverage the wisdom of University of Tampa faculty, offering you expert guidance throughout your entrepreneurial journey.
  • Be part of an incubator affiliated with the #1-ranked undergraduate entrepreneurship program in the in the south, as per the Princeton Review.
  • Benefit from tailored coaching and mentoring through personalized sessions with the Lowth Entrepreneurship Center's entrepreneur-in-residence.
  • Enhance your entrepreneurial mindset and refine your pitch presentation skills in front of established entrepreneurs.

Ready to unleash your entrepreneurial potential and turn your business idea into reality? Don't miss the chance to leverage the expertise of UT faculty, receive tailored coaching from our entrepreneur-in-residence and be part of an incubator affiliated with one of the top-ranked entrepreneurship programs in the nation. Refine your business concept, sharpen your pitches and develop your entrepreneurial mindset with the support of seasoned entrepreneurs.

Join the Spartan Incubator program and take your entrepreneurial journey to new heights. Apply today and pave the way for your business success

Apply for the 2024-2025 Spartan Incubator

Spartan Accelerator

Elevate your entrepreneurial aspirations with the Spartan Accelerator Program at the Lowth Entrepreneurship Center, University of Tampa. This robust initiative welcomes students from all disciplines, pairing them with experienced mentors and industry leaders to help formulate and refine their business plans. Our comprehensive approach integrates weekly peer meetings, guest speaker sessions and pitch competitions, all while giving you the chance to network within Tampa Bay's vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Benefits of the Spartan Accelerator program:

  • Develop your entrepreneurial mindset and fine-tune your pitch presentation skills in front of successful entrepreneurs.
  • Collaborate and connect with students across various disciplines and academic levels, expanding your network and perspectives.
  • Compete for funding opportunities to grow your business through our exclusive entrepreneurial competitions.
  • Gain access to and network within the vibrant Tampa Bay entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Ready to take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level? Don't miss this incredible opportunity to join the Spartan Accelerator program and unlock a world of possibilities. Whether you're an undergraduate or graduate student from any major, our program welcomes all aspiring entrepreneurs.

Apply now through Spartan Collective and immerse yourself in a comprehensive experience that pairs you with seasoned mentors, connects you with industry leaders and fosters collaboration with students from diverse disciplines. Elevate your pitch presentation skills, compete for funding opportunities and expand your network within Tampa Bay's thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem. Don't wait – seize the chance to propel your business idea forward. Apply today and let your entrepreneurial aspirations soar!

The Spartan Accelerator application will reopen in Fall 2024.